The #NigeriaMustFall hashtag that trended on twitter,is another glare into the unhealthy obsession of South Africans against Nigeria,This time,the outcry was for a girl dancing and twerking in a video for some Nigerian men.
The gist of the story is,a South African girl was seen entertaining a group of Nigerian boys,she was dancing and twerking for them,not wearing much.She was
laughing and enjoying herself.
This video somehow found its way online and South Africans were so incensed by it ,that they started a hashtag #Nigeriamustfall,believing that she must have been drugged to engage in the act.
To start with Nigeria must fall is plain and simply a genocidal call of duty.How can one African country call on their people to do this against their fellow brothers and sisters?
To be fair,this obsession against Nigerians ,is mostly by the uneducated or ignorant South Africans.Those who have an ounce of education amongst them,would know that Nigeria more than any country fought for their release from Apartheid both physically and financially.
But lets put that aside for a minute.If you know anything about South Africa,you will know their men constantly abuse,rape and kill their women.It is a common fact,we see it everyday on the news.
I have never heard of a Nigerian man killing a South African,man or woman.What i know happens is,Nigerians with their flamboyance take over their women.This has caused a great deal of jealousy amongst their men and a reason why they hate the Nigerians so much.
I live in UK,and the reputation of the South African women there among Africans is,give them liquor,but them booze and they are yours.They simply love to drink,and they don't stop till they are filthy drunk! The man are even worse,they drink so much that they forget their women.Their women don't get enough attention from their men,they are also lazy.The South African women is the one who dominates and works in a relationship.
Is it any surprise that when they meet a Nigerian man,who are known for their dominance,love of the good life and flamboyance,the women get carried away and fall hook and sinker for them?
This Parkland video that shows a girl twerking for some Nigerian boys,are they saying South African girls don't twerk?There are no strip clubs in South Africa?Does that girl look like she was kidnapped or under duress?She was probably paid for her dancing,but there are women all over the world who do that.
If Nigerians sell drugs to the South Africans,its because there is a market and demand for it.How come other countries all over the world are not claiming that their women are being turned into prostitutes or drug addicts?
If this nonsense is going to continue,maybe both countries should come to an agreement.Don't give Nigerians visas to your country and Nigerian government should ban Nigerians from going to South Africans.This nonsense has to stop one way or another.
Generally, South Africans now see acts like this as a reason why Nigerians must leave South Africa ‘back to their country’.