A bouquet and garter toss at a wedding,ended happily when a couple,Aramis Phillips and Candace, who caught each,ended up getting married 5 years later.
The tradition says the man who catches the bride's garter at a wedding is next to be married and the woman who catches the bride's bouquet is also next in line to be married.
But in reality,it probably happens like 1 in hundreds of thousands.Not for these two lovebirds though.They met at a wedding on the 23rd of May 2015,the man named Aramis Phillips caught the garter while a woman named Candace caught the bouquet.They had never met before then,but became acquainted afterwards.
The lady,Candace took to Twitter on May 23, 2020, to mark the 5th anniversary of the day they both met at a wedding. She revealed that they both slid into each other’s DMs after the wedding, and they've been together ever since. They have now been married for 8 months.
Never say fairy tales don't happen folks.So the next time you are at a wedding,and you are hustling for that garter and bouquet,you just never know...