Linda Ikejisocial media network is what can make any hardworking Nigeria thousands of Naira a week and what the top Nigerian blogger can call her retirement pension.For a long time i have though Linda was not maximizing her popularity and potential.But i guess when you are making the kind of money Linda Ikeji website or blog should i say was making,you can chill.
But maybe she had a plan all the time,cos this new Linda Ikejisocial media is a monster!She has embraced modern technology in the best terms you can possibly think of,and the result will set the cash till rolling!
Like she said,its kind of Facebook meets Linda,so you do more or less what you don on facebook
there too except she has gone one step better by actually paying you N1,000 to post a story on her social network website! Yep you heard that right,N1,000!
So imagine the unemployed youths out there who have a talent for writing or have a vivid imagination,you can build up your own profile and career by writing on Linda's established social site.After all she has the following,i heard already over 50,000 people have signed up!
Here is how the N1,000 thing works,you publish a post or a story on her site and she pays you for it.She then makes money from the adverts that are placed on her page.So effectively,she can just sit back while people post hundreds of stories everyday on her social network.And they all make money,everyone is happy!

This is really an ingenious idea.And just imagine a reader out there,who is disciplined and dedicated enough to post 10 stories a day.If he or she does this 5 days a week,that is 50,000 Naira a week! 200 thousand Naira a month! Now how many jobs in Nigeria pays that to a fresh graduate?
This idea is a real moneymaker and i seriously will be thinking of posting some stories myself on the new social network website.
Kudos.Linda..Hope it's not gonna be a case of mo money mo problems.😜😜😜😜😜😜😜