Madam Ponkriyon Sobonton goes global with Sexx herbal business

Madam Ponkriyon Sobonton goes global with Sexx herbal business

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Madam Sobonton Ponkriyon is the Ponkriyon Agbo seller who started out on social media as a joke.She claims to have solutions to your sexxual problems.She made hilarious videos which Nigerians jokingly shared on social media.But now,the Ponkriyon Agbo seller who's real name is Taiye is the one having the last laugh as her business has gone global!
She now has people ordering her herbs from as far as the Uk,Germany,Canada and America.Just shows once again that with passion and dedication to your trade,you can besuccessful in any field.

So what is Ponkriyon?Ponkriyon is the local herbs otherwise known as "agbo" that serves as a local
It helps wake up your libido and gets you performing as you should.The lady behind it has gone even further by now engaging in private waxing! Hahahahaha can you believe that? But i guess its no big deal,afterall it happens in the western world too.The difference is just the packaging.

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Image result for sobonton
Already Madam Sobotone Ponkriyon has inspired a new vocab among the young ones.Olamide the Nigerian rapper already has a song inspired by Ponkriyon.

Below are some of the amusing videos of the
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