Bishop Daniel Obinim vs herbalist Okomfo Yaw Appiah.Yesterday, Over 3,000 spectators gathered at the Jubilee Park in Kumasi to witness a clash of powers between controversial pastor and renowned herbalist, Okomfo Yaw Appiah. This does not surprise me at all.Did you know that Ghana is ranked as No 1 most religious country in the world with Nigeria coming a close second?So its no wonder this people have time to waste in this manner.The atmosphere at the park was reminiscent of the incident in the Bible where Elijah engaged the
prophets of Baal in a contest to prove who had superior powers.They agreed to meet at the stadium to test their powers by spending 30 minutes in a coffin. But the native doctor didn't show up. Twitter user Obimpena Austine @ obiMpenaAustine narrated the story in a series of tweets posted on Tuesday, April 12.
"Over 3000 people gathered at Kumasi Jubilee park to witness a spiritual battle between Bishop Obinim and a fetish priest"
According to the organizers, the Bishop and the priest were to spend 30mins in turns and the one who fail to rise, loses..."
"Obinim just left the jubilee park bcos the fetish priest failed to appear"
"According to the fetish priest, he couldn't make it to face the man of cloth because the Suame Div Police have put him under house arrest"
"Over 8 policemen found stationed around the house of the herbalist and that accounted for his inability to meet him"
"We got intelligence some supporters of Obinim were going to attack Okomfour Appiah so da Police went to his house to protect him- ASP Tanko"
prophets of Baal in a contest to prove who had superior powers.They agreed to meet at the stadium to test their powers by spending 30 minutes in a coffin. But the native doctor didn't show up. Twitter user Obimpena Austine @ obiMpenaAustine narrated the story in a series of tweets posted on Tuesday, April 12.
"Over 3000 people gathered at Kumasi Jubilee park to witness a spiritual battle between Bishop Obinim and a fetish priest"
According to the organizers, the Bishop and the priest were to spend 30mins in turns and the one who fail to rise, loses..."
"Obinim just left the jubilee park bcos the fetish priest failed to appear"
"According to the fetish priest, he couldn't make it to face the man of cloth because the Suame Div Police have put him under house arrest"
"Over 8 policemen found stationed around the house of the herbalist and that accounted for his inability to meet him"
"We got intelligence some supporters of Obinim were going to attack Okomfour Appiah so da Police went to his house to protect him- ASP Tanko"
