See Cuban President Raul Castro refuse to hug Obama in embarrassing video

See Cuban President Raul Castro refuse to hug Obama in embarrassing video

Cuban President Raul Castro turns down Obama hug.
After an event in Havana Cuba, US President who is the first American president to visit Cuba in 88 years tried to hug Cuban President Raul Castro, but Castro refused to hug him, instead, he blocked the hug and raised his Obama's hand like a champion and smiled. During that awkward moment, President Obama smiled, waved and walked ahead of the Cuban president as they both walked away from the podium. A lot of people think it was disrespectful. Looks like the America Cuba love affair will just never happen.A bit like a cat getting married to a mouse.Some things are just not meant to be.More pictures of Raul Castro and Obama meeting after the cut.


How awkward do these two look?
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