Jumoke Orisaguna,the bread seller's rag to riches stories continues.Now she is appearing on CNN,so she might even go global..hmmm I wonder how Jumoke is coping with all this,i mean people who dreamed all their lives of becoming famous even struggle when it
happens,so imagine someone who did not even have that dream in their wildest imagination? Oh,another good news,Jumoke is now reunited with her husband and first daughter,They had to stay back home in Osun State while she hustled in Lagos.Poor man,he must be terrified they will take his wife off him now that she is rich and famous...lol
More pics after the cut..
Jumoke's husband standing next to her. |
Olajumoke Orisaguna bread seller who found fame and fortune as a model. |
Jumoke Orisaguna the bread seller turn model |
Jumoke Orisaguna all dolled up. |