Scientists predict what Prince George will look like in future with pictures.

Scientists predict what Prince George will look like in future with pictures.

Scientists predict what Prince George will look like in future

Prince George.
In case of back to the future,scientists at the University of Bradford gathered images of Prince George, as well as images of his parents and close relatives to try and predict what the young prince will look like at ages 7 (right), 20, 40 and 60. See the photos after the cut...

Prince george at age 20 according to scientists
At age 20
The computer software analyzes various facial features like nose length and width which changes as we age, to get an impression of an older Prince George. "We take these — roughly 30 to 40 facial features — and we use these facial features; we map it into the machine and then we produce" said Hassan Ugail, a professor of Visual Computing at the university. 

prince george at 40 according to scientists prediction
Age 40
university of bradford predicts what prince george will look like
Age 60...
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