Yesterday i said it here that i see no way back for Vincent Enyeama in the Nigeria national team after the disgraceful way coach Sunday Oliseh had treated him.He made his position untenable.Now,Enyeama has officially announced his retirement from the Super Eagles in an emotional post on twitter.Below is Vincent Enyeama's retirement statement..
I have fought a good fight for more than 13years.I have finished my course,I have kept the faith and sang the anthem with passion.henceforth,there is laid for me a crown which only GOD can reward me for my 13years of national services.God bless Nigeria. From henceforth I am no more the captain of the
Nigerian senior football team. I am no more the goalie of the team. I am out of the team. I am no more available for international duties. I want to say thank you to every Nigerian fan and supporter world wide.its been the most trying period of my life but I know that Nigerian are there for me and God is with me.God bless Nigeria. #Endofanera.

Once again,as i said previously,Oliseh should be embarrassed about this.He has treated Enyeama so disgracefully and he should remember that what goes round comes round.