I laughed so hard when i saw this,in fact i am still laughing.How can people be so stupid?Maybe some of the victims got a kick out of this.I cannot understand why you would submit yourself to be spanked by a dirty old man who calls himself a Reverend.
The said Reverend in question has been arrested over claims he spanked. worshippers. Rev Howard Curtis, 72, allegedly persuaded worshipers to undress for him in the office of
Coulsdon Christian Fellowship, in Croydon, South London.
The claims are believed to be centred around a movement known as 'Christian Domestic Discipline', which involves men asserting authority over women through physical punishment, usually spanking, the Telegraph reports
Rev Curtis has been banned from unsupervised contact with children and forbidden from attending his own church alone while the Metropolitan Police probes allegations about his conduct.
Three people have lodged assault. allegations against Mr Curtis a senior minister, who is believed to have been involved with the church for at least two decades.
The craziest thing is the Reverend was even married,can you believe this? They must have been having fun telling each other stuff in the bedroom.
The website of Christian Domestic Discipline says the practice is ‘intended to be a haven for married couples who practice safe and consensual’ discipline.
I have heard all sorts when it comes to religion,and guess what? It won't be the last,there will continue to be gullible and vulnerable people who will be taken advantage of in religion.