Hajia Fadimatu Mai Talle Tara is the 90 year old woman who donated her N1 million savings to the Buhari campaign .The old woman is now said to be very ill and maybe dying. A man named Idis Kuringafa on his Facebook account has accused APC and the government of abandoning the old woman.I really don't agree with that.The government ,Buhari or the governor cannot go to every citizens house because they voted for them or contributed to the election.Its a country of 170 million for Pete's sake!
What they should do is have a functioning health system and competent doctors,so when citizens are ill,they go to the hospital.That is what should happen in a civilised country.Without wanting to sound mean or heartless,Hajia Fadimatu Mai Talle Tara is 90 years old,so she probably is just answering to mother nature.You cannot be that age and
not expected to fall ill or something.The 90 year old woman wanted to donate her 1 million Naira to the APC and Buhari,i don't know if they accepted the money.Hajia Fadimatu Mai Talle Tara did not donate the money so Buhari or the APC could give her a better day,she knew her time was coming to an end.She was doing this for the coming generation and her grand children.I wish Hajia Fadimatu Mai Talle Tara a speedy recovery...Below is how her illness was reported.