Toni Payne calls Femi Fani Kayode a shameless man over allegedly disowning his daughters!
I was really surprised to see Toni Payne writing stuff about Femi Fani Kayode.Toni Payne has had her fair sure of scandals with the press and people accusing her falsely of what she hadn't done.The publicity she got over the cases of musician 9ice and fellow musician Rugged Man was not nice at all,especially considering it looked to be untrue. I would have thought that experience would have taught her that things are not always what they look like.Toni Payne is a Yoruba girl and so is Femi
Fani Kayode.In Yoruba culture,you don't abuse someone who is old enough to be your father or mother publicly.The fact that Toni Payne has done so this time to an innocent man makes it worse!
It was pretty tasteless of Toni Payne to publicly say Femi Fani Kayode has no shame regarding the case of him disowning his daughters.If Toni payed close attention,she would see that in no part of that release was Femi Fani Kayode's name signed.It was released by a group of people who said they were FFK's family.
Now Femi has come out to say he did not write that essay.Not only that,he also said he did not disown any of his kids! How would Toni Payne feel today haven called him a shameless man publicly?
I can understand the fact that she probably felt bad for the allegedly disowned children,but she overstepped her mark.Since she goofed publicly,it would be nice of her to publicly apologize to FFK.Would she? I really don't know the answer to that.Moral of the story is,don't throw stones if the object of your desire is not sitting 3 yards in front of you,cos you might just hurt an innocent by stander!