Video & song of the month Mr 2Kay "Who no like better thing".

Video & song of the month Mr 2Kay "Who no like better thing".

Mr 2Kay.
My video of the month and song of the month definitely has to go to Mr 2Kay with his song "Who no like better thing".
It's nice to have an artist actually being what he is supposed to be for once,"an artist".
This song is different ,creative and he actually sings.Not a lot of the current artists can do this cos most of them can't sing anyway,its all autotune.So just as the title suggests,i like better thing..and that
is why i loved this song at the very first listening and viewing.
Watch this and i defy you not to like it,well,except maybe if the Pangolo music don spoil your taste,lol..
Happy viewing and listening..presenting to you video of Mr 2Kay.."Who no like better thing"

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