The oldest profession about to be legalized by Amnesty International!

The oldest profession about to be legalized by Amnesty International!

500 Amnesty delegates from more than 80 countries will gather at an international conference next week in Dublin to vote on whether to advocate the elimination of all penalties for s*x work, on the grounds that it is a matter of privacy between consenting adults. Simply put, the Human Right group will vote on a new policy that calls for the global
decriminalization of s*x trafficking.

The s*x-trade policy, according to the group is the best way to respect, protect, and fulfill the human rights of s*x workers.

Its Deputy Executive Director, Cammie Croft said, "S*x workers are one of the most marginalized groups in the world so it is important that we understand how, as Amnesty International, we can work to support their human rights.

The violations that s3x workers can be exposed to include physical and sxual violence, arbitrary arrest and detention, extortion and harassment, human trafficking, forced HIV testing and medical interventions" “They can also be excluded from health care and housing services and other social and legal protection.” she added. -
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