Madonna feet massage.People and their sick minds! Do you have kids? If you do,have you ever laid on the carpet while they give you a massage or foot rub? If yes,does this mean you treat them as slaves? So why can't Madonna have her kids give her a foot rub? Why do people always have to associate everything with race and religion? When i saw this picture ,the first thing i saw was a happy united family,i thought.ahh this is so sweet.Some people did not see that.They saw race.They saw black kids
massaging the foot of a white woman,so it had to be racist.
Madonna might not be the biological mother of these kids.But she adopted them.She feeds them,clothes them,pays for their education which they had no access to when they were with their parents and pays she pays their health bills.In other words she is their mother!
How many under privileged black kids have you adopted,and that question is for those screaming racism!
Shaking my head,i just can't understand people at times!