Kenyan's upset Italian Prime Minister wore Bullet Proof vest in state House!

Kenyan's upset Italian Prime Minister wore Bullet Proof vest in state House!

Italian Primie Minister bullet proof vest in Kenya.
There has been an outcry in Kenya by it's citizens cos they thought the Italian 
Prime Minister wearing a bullet proof vest inside the Kenyan state house to meet the President was an insult.
The Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi had earlier worn a well-cut suit to meet the president of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta at Kenya's State House on Wednesday July 15th but
beneath the suit, he wore a bullet proof vest. Kenyans of course took to twitter to slam the Italian PM.

But i don't blame the Italian Prime Minister,why should he risk his life with the history of killings in Kenya?Would you step into a place you know is a high risk zone without protection?

But i must admit,it looks funny seeing that bullet proof vest stick out of the Italian Prime Minister's

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