BET'S Lilian N Blankson an Ignorant who knows Nothing about African Music!
Lilian N Blankson is a clueless wanna be who has no idea what being African or African music is about!

Now i understand why BET treat African artists like Shite! It's no surprise with people like Lilian N Blankson.I read her tweets about the African artists controversy on BET Awards and it left me speechless.To start with i think Lilian's name goes along with her mental status,Blank for Blankson.Can you imagine the woman saying we have to sing songs like the Americans to be
recognized? What kind of deluded woman is this? Remember this award is not supposed to be about Africans competing with the Americans or the rest of the world.This award is for best African acts.And we have to copy American music to get this or be aired? Why not call the award best wanna be Americans then? Lilian Blankson must live in cuckoo land,she needs to go to clubs all over the world and see how people of all colours and races are dancing to African music.Black ,whites,Asians,everyone!
Make your music more internationally appealing? What a cheek,what does that mean exactly? All those white kids dancing in clubs all over the world to Afro Beats don't find it appealing? Go on Youtube and see white kids singing Afro Beats songs word for word!
Lilian also said how can you respect my brand if its not on radio? Gosh,did she really say that? I will tell you how Lilian,the easiest way to have a hit song or recognition is through radio or Tv.So if the radio don't play me,why don't you on Tv play me? Does the radio dictate to you?On tv you get to hear the song and see the visuals at the same time.It is more just don't have a clue Lilian.
Everything she has said in her tweets is rubbish! Blankson also calls for the African artists whow ere honoured to come out and say the truth.Are they supposed to lie? Can they all be lying? Why would they turn down the chance to be at the BET awards if they were made to feel belonged?
From the tweets Lilian Blankson posted,she is more or less saying Africans should be grateful that BET even mentions their names in the same breath as the Americans! Well.Lilian stuff you and stuff your awards! Don't invite me to your party and stick me in the kitchen1 If i can't be in the ball room with the other guests,i ain't coming to your party.The Americans are no more special the African artists we have now.I really see no difference.Our videos are as good as yours and the music as vibrant.Music is an art,and we don't have to sing as you sing and dance as you do to be regarded as equally talented.And Lilian Blankson,dressing up in African attire don't make you African,so drop the patronizing we! I have seen nothing from your texts to make me think you are one proud African!