The man who hid Fact that he had no penis from Girl friend for one Year!

The man who hid Fact that he had no penis from Girl friend for one Year!

The man who hid Fact that he had no penis from Girl friend for one Year!
The man who hid Fact that he had no penis from Girl friend for one Year!

Man who hid the fact he had no penis from girl friend for one year!

The whole story sounds ridiculous to me,didn't they have any sort of intimacy at all in a whole year? I mean how long can you holds hands and kiss for?
A man hid the fact that he had no penis from his girlfriend of one year.But,she says she has forgiven him for keeping the truth about his body secret - for a whole year.

Hmm,if she can do without it for a whole year,i guess it's not really important then,she can do without

Fashion student Fedra Fabian, 25, from Budapest, has been in a relationship with Andrew Wardle, 40, from Manchester, since 2012.

Mr Wardle, who is halfway through four operations to rebuild his penis, avoided intimacy by telling Ms Fabian that he had a series of kidney infections. 

Speaking to the Sun newspaper, she said:

'I didn't feel betrayed,' 'Even though I'm his girlfriend, it's his personal business.' 'Sometimes it is hard for women to tell their boyfriends they are unable to have children. Imagine how difficult it was for Andrew.'
Although he claims to have slept with more than 100 women, he says many haven't been at all understanding - and says one girlfriend even punched him in the face when he revealed the truth.
The man who hid Fact that he had no penis from Girl friend for one Year! 1
The man who hid Fact that he had no penis from Girl friend for one Year,and she forgave him!
'I have been to bed with over 100 women and I was proud of it,'  'But now I look back and I'm not proud at all because that means I've told over 100 women lies.''I knew my way around a woman's body and I knew my way around a woman's mind,'
'I was very confident in bed and about what I could do to them so they wouldn't come near me. So they was finished and I was fine.'
Now Mr Wardle is undergoing specialist treatment that will give him a fully-functioning set of genitals and is to star in a new documentary that will be screened next week.
So common ladies,ask your self,will you see a guy for a whole year without seeing his little man?
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