Parents of Rachel Dolezal the NAACP says she is white! This is a very unusual story.Rachel who is a champion for black cause and NAACP leader has been accused of wanting to be something that she is not,they said she is white and not black! And they should know shouldn't they? But Rachel has refuted the claims insisting that is is of mixed heritage.
Another thing that baffles me is,Rachel has been passing herself off as black for nearly 10 years.Why are her parents,Lawrence and Ruthanne Dolezal just coming out now to refute her
Rachel's parents say they first heard about Rachel's "black" exploits in Spokane, WA back in 2007. Rachel's risen to become the leader of the NAACP's Spokane chapter, while apparently representing herself as being black.
Her parents spoke to CNN this morning, and admitted Rachel's wanted nothing to do with them. They say they're only speaking out because a reporter contacted them to confirm their identity and Rachel's.
They say at first ... they thought Rachel was just expressing the fact she "identified" as black ... but it eventually took a more serious turn. They also say she started immersing herself in African-American culture as far back as 1995, when she was in college.
NAACP,the National association for the advancement of colored people,on their own path say,color does not matter and is not a criteria for being an advocate against racism or being involved with the NAACP.
Rachel has called the police many times in the past,reporting she is being targeted by certain people.
Now where the story gets interesting and funny,Rachel was cornered by a reporter,he then showed her a picture of her father,Lawrence Dolezal,the reporter asked her,is this your dad? Looking sheepish,Rachel answered yes,Reporter then asks her,is your dad African American? Rachel looks bemused and says,i don't know what you are implying...The reporter then goes in hard and asks-are you African American? Rachel now looks even more uncomfortable,saying ..i don't understand your question..i did tell you that,that's my dad...As the reporter asks the final question..."are you parents,are they white"? Rachel Dolezal stormed off! A really incredible scene.

Watch the video of Rachel Dolezal,the NAACP leader who say's she is black but turned out to be white below.