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One thing that everyone has is a sort of addiction,here we try to look at different types of addiction.What's yours?Mine was cocaine,but i have been clean for 5 years now and i feel so proud and so good ,i shout it out at every given opportunity! But i have a new addiction,in fact maybe several,but i think my two main addictions now are my
quest to try and help as many people as possible with addiction problems,Drugs that is..My second addiction,don't laugh,is water! I drink so much of the darn thing that i am getting worried! At first it was cool cos people kept saying,oh that's great mate,you don't smoke drink or do Coke no more.But some days i find myself drinking 2-3 litres of
water,surely that can't be right can it?
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Anyway leaving my own addiction aside for a minute,we all have one,my childhood friend,his addiction is eating his hair! Yeuk can you believe that? He's been doing that ever since i've known him,and that is some 25 yerars ago!
He says his Doctor has warned him about this but he can't stop..so now he's seeing a hypnotist,and i am pleased to say i spoke to him a couple of weeks ago and he said he's habbit has reduced by some 30%! That's impressive mate..good luck!
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Shopping!! Ahhh..probably every woman has had this addiction at one time or the other,i have heard of so many cases on "shopping addictions"! People owing thousands of pounds,people buying stuff they haven't worn in 6 years and on and on it goes!It's a destructive addiction cos debt is a very serious thing to get into.
How about "gym or exercise addiction"?
I should know about this cos i am a regular gym goer.I have seen guys come to the gym with broken arms,plastered! Honestly i'm serious.I remember this guy who had a plaster on a broken arm,which he happened to break in the gym as well..he came 2 days after the plaster was set,and did leg exercises instead! lol...Can you believe that?There are guys in my gym who come everyday! And i mean every single day.That is proper addiction.
So what is your addiction?Have you been addressed so far? How about those who "eat dirt"? Yep,i have heard of people eating dirt! Craving and eating nonfood items is a condition called pica and those with the disorder are known to compulsively eat paint, feces, cigarette ashes, paper and a variety of other non-nutritional items. Feces?People eat feces? I think i'll keep drinking my water lol..incredible! People eat feces????
When the cravings are for soil or otherwise earthy materials (including coal, chalk and clay), it's called geophagia.
Gambling is also a very bad and common addiction too.But how about the crazy and even gory ones?For example did you hear about the American woman who likes to drink human blood?Sorry she doesn't like,she is "addicted to drinking human blood".Addiction is different to liking.The woman Julia Caples admitted to drinking nearly two litres of human blood every month.
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ApparentlyJulia a 45-year-old mum-of-two, from Pennsylvania, US, has been drinking like a vampire from willing donors for the past 30 years.Unblelievable! How can you drink people's blood?The easiest way to get any disease or inherit one is to come in contact with their blood..and this lady drinks blood?What kind of people donate blood to her?They must be very strange human beings!
But i think the scariest one i have heard is that of a 42 year old Brazillian who is "addicted to going funerals"! My gosh! Did you hear that right?Funerals! He even gave up his job so he can attend to his addiction properly. Hear him: “The first thing I do every morning is turn on the radio to find out if anyone has died. If I don’t hear anything I call the hospitals.”
A local funeral director added: “We don’t want him to go to therapy, everyone expects to see him.” This is maybe worse than the woman who drinks blood,because this guy can kill if their is no funeral in town! Hahahahahaha..imagine,no deaths or funerals in two days,and this guy is having withdrawal symptoms,this guy will kill,trust me! Lol.
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Some other addictions i have come across are ice chewing,my little cousin used to do this,very annoying,all you heard was her cracking ice cubes with her teeth and it used to make me cringe!
"Addiction to coffee",i'm sure we all know at least 2 people who has this problem,addiction to coca cola,sun tanning,food lol...addiction to pubs or wine bars,that counts too doesn't it?
Anyway,i think i've taken enough of your time today..if you know of an unusual addiction or you yourself have one,it will be nice of you to share on the comments page..peace for now,till next time and stay off that blood tonic..or else it might lead to something else! :)
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Oh before i do sign out,there's a little addiction creeping up on you and i,Social media..facebook,Twitter,Internet,Balckberry phones,Instagram and selfies! You know it's true!
By W. Cole for Naija Blog Queen