Strongest teeth in the world!
Just looking at these picture of this guy,gives me the chills! Imagine using your teeth to pull out nails from wood? Then using your teeth to lift a 150kg weight? This man is a freak of nature!
Michael Oyenkachi Chukwuma lived in one of the slums in Idi-araba, Lagos. He discovered
his talent in the ghetto and that talent took him to Germany two years ago. When i was a kid,i remember men like Power Uti,Ben Lion Heart and Power Mike doing similar things.Using their teeth to pull a trailer and hammering nails into woods with their bare hands! Those men were freaks just like Nigerian man with the strongest teeth Michael Oyenkachi Chukwuma.I hope he is able to
change his life for the better with his talent. Photo credit: Akintunde Akinleye.This man is not only the strongest teeth in Africa,but he must be the strongest teeth on any planet!
Ouch! Can't look at this picture for long..i find it creepy..feels like i'm gonna lose all my teeth lol. Photo credit: Seun Sanni