British man cocaine accident in Thailand as he runs into glass door!

British man cocaine accident in Thailand as he runs into glass door!

Tragic: Jason Flannery, 25, from North Yorkshire, who Thai police say died after running into a glass door in his apartment after taking cocaine
Tragic: Jason Flannery, 25, from North Yorkshire, who Thai police say died after running into a glass door in his apartment after taking cocaine 
British man dies in Thailand after getting high on cocaine then running into a
plate glass door
Cocaine might have its fun moments,but Cocaine is also a very dangerous drug that can seriously impair your judgement. Unfortunately a Briton in Thailand found this out the hard way.
The British man, died in Thailand after getting high on cocaine then running into a
plate glass door, local police said.
Police found Jason Flannery, 25, a talented former schoolboy athlete from North Yorkshire, dead in a sixth floor flat in Pattaya, a city popular with tourists, at 3am.
His face and chest were covered in cuts, police told local media. 

It is believed that he bled to death after severing an artery in his neck.
Mr Flannery's girlfriend, Janjira Buapae, 23, told police that she returned from work to their flat in the Spanish Place Pattay apartment complex to find Jason in what local media described as 'a serious discussion' with a friend and another woman.
Later, she said, Mr Flannery mixed cocaine with water and drank it, before smoking a spliff.
Ms Janjira said she rowed with her boyfriend and decided to leave the room. 
Mr Flannery pursued her into the hallway, according to reports, where their argument drew a crowd of onlookers.

Ms Janjira claimed Mr Flannery, alarmed by the crowd, ran back in to his flat and straight into a glass door. He fell down and died soon afterwards.
Sawang Boriboon rescue volunteers, Pattaya Police and Bang Lamung Hospital medics were called to the flat but Mr Flannery had already died from his wounds.
British man, dies in Thailand after getting high on cocaine then running into a
plate glass door

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