Summer is here and families as well as individuals,friends,and all kinds of groups of people will once again be exploring or taking well earnt summer holidays.Europe is a popular destination for tourists with its many historical places and different cultures.But do you really know much about the cities you plan to visit? Do you know the danger zones?This post takes a look at some of the most exciting cities in Europe ,but which comes with a bit of danger as well! Fasten your seat belts and come along for the ride as we take a look at the most dangerous cities in Europe! Or are they?
Brussels, Belgium
Brussels appears to be the European center for harassment. The large concentration of Muslim citizens alongside the native Brussels means that it was inevitable that the two cultures would clash. Brussels is known for the ethnic tensions, harassment of people who appear to belong to a specific ethnic group, and drunk violence. If you’re a lone woman travelling through Brussels, just watch
out for the harassment by men and large groups. The increase in numbers of beatings due to drunk violence is still on the rise, so caution should be exercised around bars. The residents in Brussels definitely like to drink!
out for the harassment by men and large groups. The increase in numbers of beatings due to drunk violence is still on the rise, so caution should be exercised around bars. The residents in Brussels definitely like to drink!
Dublin, Ireland
The locals of Dublin report the large numbers of assaults by youth on a daily basis. Young people becoming involved in drug crimes, harassment, assaults and robberies. According to some locals, children as young as 10 years old can easily get wrapped up in serious crimes in this city. Gangs are recruiting young people before they have even hit their 20s. This increase in youth crime is causing problems for the older citizens in a moral sense, which is largely the reason the crimes are never reported. Stick to a group of people, and don’t annoy the local youths.
Glasgow, Scotland
According to the BBC, Glasgow was ranked the UK’s most violent area in 2013. The high rates of homicide and violent crime pushed this city to the least safe in the country with the largest ratio of homicide to population in the country. It is not just this that presents a problem, but the continuing problems with knife crime and gang crime add to the fear of uncontrolled violence in the city. If you want to visit Glasgow, try to avoid venturing out in the early hours of the morning. Alcohol consumption contributes to a number of violent crimes in this city, so don’t get too close to strangers.
Grozny, Russia
According to the UN in 2003, Grozny is the most destroyed city in the world. As a result, there are a number of unexploded land-mines that pose threats to the typical tourist. It is not this, however, that causes various governments to warn their citizens not to visit Grozny. It is the enormous numbers of abductions that take place. Rebels often take tourists hostage, so as long as you try to blend in with the common people, you should be safe. These abductions are performed when the tourist is at their most vulnerable – asleep. Beware of the rebels.
Istanbul, Turkey
Many are unsure what it is about Istanbul that feels so unsafe, but the feeling is definitely there. Frequent crimes, such as robbery, muggings, scams and harassment, are what add to Istanbul’s fear factor. It is mainly lone women who are the victims of these common crimes, especially harassment. Despite these less violent crimes, the U.S. State Department advises to practice caution when travelling to Istanbul because of the recent violent attacks across Turkey and the increasing threat of terrorist attacks.
London, UK
The borough of Westminster in London has the highest crime rate in the entire nation. Mainly due to the enormous concentration of people and tourists, the most in the country, this is understandable. As with most cities, the high concentration of people causes aggression, impatience and inevitably, a major increase in crime. Muggings, stabbings, rapes, and other violent crimes are a common occurrence in London. Although it is classed as ‘Britain’s most dangerous university town’, just keep in mind the huge diversity within London. Just don’t travel alone at night, especially down the winding streets of London.
Malmo, Sweden

Sweden’s third biggest city, Malmo, boasts the highest crime rate in the country. With the rate of immigration increasing rapidly, there is an ongoing ethnic war among the large number of groups. Each wanting to be the dominant ethnicity, it means that force is used frequently to try to takeover. These immigrants are inflicting violence, rape and burnings upon the city of Malmo and the existing citizens. One citizen even posted that five people were killed within one week after the New Year celebrations, and all were innocent of any wrong-doing. This is definitely a place to avoid for now.
Marseilles, France
Marseilles’ place on this list is not for large statistics of murder or attacks, but for the deeply rooted organized crime in the city. The flourishing drug trade and human trafficking taking place throughout Marseilles renders this a dangerous place to be. Organized crime inflicts terror among the residents of the French city, and turf wars on the streets see bloody violence spread beyond criminals. It is not just organized violence that terrorizes Marseilles. Armed robberies, muggings and other sporadic violent acts prove that violence spreads. Watch your back in southern France, and avoid messing with the wrong people.
Manchester, UK
As with most English cities, Manchester is safe enough to explore in the center during the day, but just avoid the council estates. The risk of robberies and assaults rockets when you venture into the many council estates, especially after dark. In recent years, there has also been a large increase in riots. Violence plagues the city as these rowdy northerners erupt into aggressive lashes after a few drinks at the clubs. As long as you stick to the center during the light hours and retreat home after dark, you’ll survive Manchester! (Just watch out for the drunks).
Mitrovica, Kosovo
One of the most dangerous places in Europe, the violent tensions between the Serb population and Albanian population are definitely something to hide from. The brutal conflicts between the two groups are still a huge problem today, with a number of NATO troops present still and attempting to protect the peace in the city. Even though a wall separates the two demographics residing in Mitrovica, it does not prevent the violent attacks throughout the city. The division is seen in all areas of life, and if you visit the city, choose your side carefully and don’t get too involved.
Moscow, Russia

The UK Government claims there is a high threat from terrorism in Moscow. Attacks have recently occurred quite frequently as a result of the Ukraine crisis in the past year and the situation in Moscow is escalating as the years go on. Violent street crimes are also extremely frequent, so beware. Political rallies also occur relatively frequently because of its corrupt political system. However, it is mainly the police that you should exercise caution with. Their frequent use of excessive force to dispel political rallies renders Moscow a dangerous city to be if you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Naples, Italy
Thought of by Italians as the crime capital of Italy, Naples’ strong mafia link inflicts fear into the ordinary citizens of this beautiful city. Even a guidebook of Naples warns that most people that approach tourists are either out to rob or attack you. With this city holding the trophy for the most crime in Italy, its reputation for danger is clearly well-earned. Naples is the ‘proud’ home of the Camorra, a criminal organization that was established in the 18th century. In the past decade, it has seen a few hundred street-killings in broad daylight – not a gang you want to mess with.
Nottingham, UK
In 2004, Panorama revealed how the yobs rule the streets and city center at night. What happened to this treasured old city? A recent influx of ‘chavs’ is causing problems for the more respectable citizens. Along with the spitting and cursing, these ‘chavs’ are responsible for an increase in muggings and stabbings in late night Nottingham. The schools seem to be producing and promoting this ‘chav culture’ by not dealing with the problem. Perhaps this is the reason for the increasing numbers of gangs in the area. Watch out for the chavs, they’ll ‘av ya.
Rotterdam, Netherlands
The most dangerous city in the Netherlands, Rotterdam is famous for massive numbers of property crime and violence. Burglary and motor vehicle theft are very frequent over in Rotterdam, and it is usually coupled with violence. The increasing ‘youth culture’ in Rotterdam is contributing to the amount of violence in the city, with many committing crimes such as murder, muggings and assaults. The Netherlands are struggling to keep a lid on the violence in Rotterdam as the crime rates in most other cities are declining. Many blame the increase in ethnic diversity and youth culture, but what is it about Rotterdam that makes crime so appealing to them?
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sarajevo is still not recovered from war, and has a long way to go in terms of reconstruction. According to one Sarajevo citizen, there is a large problem with pickpockets, and often a number of teargas attacks on various bars in the summer. Although not particularly dangerous, any form of retaliation is not recommended. Petty thieves and pickpockets thrive in Sarajevo, and the crime rate is still pretty high. Although it is mainly non-violent crime, there are still pretty high numbers of violent crime. Sarajevo isn’t the most dangerous place to be, but precaution should always be exercised.
Sofia, Bulgaria
According to the U.S. Department of State, Bulgaria rates ‘high’ for overall crime. With robbery being an enormous problem in Sofia, it is important to always practice caution with money and bank cards in the city. Muggings, burglaries, pickpocketing and fraud are all enormous theft problems in the city (especially for tourists, so keep your eye out!) It’s not only robbery to be wary of in this city, but organized crime and terrorism is becoming increasingly frequent. Keep your wits about you, and keep your possessions closely guarded.
Tbilisi, Georgia
As has always been in Eastern Europe, the violent events in Tbilisi are frequently met with force to dispel the risky crowds. The use of excessive force is often deemed necessary to remove the threat of further uncontrolled violence in the city. The bombings in Tbilisi in recent years have left scars on the suburbs, but the police are still working to stop any more bombing attempts. The problem in this city is that the excessive use of force simply means some non-violent political protests are often met with harsh force by the police. Just don’t get involved in these protests, and you should be fine.
Tirana, Albania
The Albanian Mafia is possibly the most famous in the world. Controlling roughly 40% of the world’s drug trafficking business, they hold enormous power. As most mafias do, they inflict violence on all their victims, whether deserved or not. Just be careful who you speak to in this city, you don’t want to get on the wrong side of this group. Travelers who have been to Tirana have warned that the only way to stay safe in this city is to blend in as an ordinary citizen. As long as you don’t stand out, then you should be able to avoid being targeted in this proud city.
Yerevan, Armenia
Post-Soviet Armenia has been generally peaceful; however, in recent years there has been a sharp rise in political violence, particularly the incident of 2008. Despite these political problems, it is not what makes this city a dangerous place to be. Yerevan’s reputation for domestic violence has surfaced in the last few years. Although Yerevan officials tend not to discuss it, domestic violence is a huge problem in the city. It was said in 2008 that three out of ten women suffered from domestic violence, but this is thought to be more as most were not willing to talk about the abuse.
So there you have it ladies and gentlemen ,boys and girls.My opinion? Well,there is danger in every part of the world and every day life.I would still love to visit every of these so called dangerous cities in Europe.You only live once and dangers are part of life.I am embracing the beautifulnes of these European cities rather than look out for the not so good sides,even though its nice to be aware of dangers you might be facing.So a happy summer holidays to you wherever you choose to go and end up!