This is absolutely incredible! The 14 year old Bradford student,Yusaf Khanny, who stabbed teacher Vincent Uzomah over a mobile phone,then goes on Facebook to boast about the stabbing???!!!
I can't believe this! What is wrong with these kids? Is it too much drugs or the fact that Britain has made life far too easy for these kids? You can't scold them,you can't punish
them,even our jails in the United Kingdom are like holiday resorts.These kids are not scared of going to jail,in fact they welcome it.It gives them credibility,they go in there playing basketball ,table tennis,sun tanning,taking pictures and even having television in their rooms! It's ridiculous!
Until the system is changed,we are gonna keep having these kids who have no regard for the law,kill and maim innocent citizens and their teachers or those in authority!
Incredibly,38 people liked his post on Facebook of stabbing teacher Vincent Uzomah..that's the BRITAIN WE LIVE In