The man who refuses to come down from a tree till Buhari is sworn inn!

The man who refuses to come down from a tree till Buhari is sworn inn!

Mallam Kaura on the tree which he plans to stay on till Buhari is sworn inn.
Can you see what joblessness and bad governance has turned my people into? We have had men and women trekking from Lagos,Enugu,Jupiter ,Mars and whatever in praise of our politicians,hoping
they will get some sort of reward.Now we have a man who has climbed onto a tree and refuses to come down until General Buhari is sworn in as President!

 Are these people for real?It all started with the man who walked from Lagos to Abuja. We need employment badly in Nigeria.Cos who knows where this epidemic might lead to? Next will be the man who refuses to wear his clothes on the streets until power supply is 24 7!

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