Beyonce's Met Gala dress keeps getting attention.First there was this unknown model and singer who said Beyonce ripped off her style and now,Beyonce's Met Gala look is being compared to the coming to America actress Vanessa Bell Calloway's look in the
movie.Vanessa was the actress who played Akeem's first chosen bride-to-be who barked like a dog when he asked her to.
Well,Vanessa Calloway though is not playing the bitchy game or anything like that,she instead said she is honored that her look is being compared with that of Beyonce who is her favourite singer.Vanessa also said that was 27 years ago and Beyonce is now! Wowo,coming to America is 27 years ago? Jeez,i feel so old now..where have all the years gone? Vanessa Calloway is 58 yrs old! 58!!! Unbelievable! She's almost 60! I wonder what she looks like now....