100,Signatures needed to Teach African History in UK Schools-Pls HELP& SIGN!

100,Signatures needed to Teach African History in UK Schools-Pls HELP& SIGN!

Please share family, this is important. 
We need 100,000 Signatures online for African history to be taught to our children in primary and secondary schools in the UK . Deadline 10th of February 2015. If we don't get 100,000 signatures by this date it will never be taught To our children in schools. The petition is online only - visit epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/60635 
OR Type' AFRICAN HISTORY PETITION  'into Google and the above  web address will come up. Then just click onto the HM Government website & sign the petition. OUR CHILDREN NEED THIS - 'POWER TO THE PEOPLE'
Just first or surname is enough. Also i just used the street name. No number. It will ask you
to confirm your email address so you will need to get to your inbox to finish the signing.

Africans weren't freed! 
They fought for their freedom, they killed the evil slave masters, slavery was stopped because of that, not because of some moral white supremacist realisation. 
Don't get it twisted, teach me the truth! 
Teach me of the embassy's the Congo had in Italy...Teach me about how African Egypt was the blueprint for modern civilisation before it was invaded...Teach me of the Haitian revolution and how the slaves constantly fought the slave masters. Teach me why I am where I am today, not because I was "allowed" but because I was needed. Teach me of the first person to perform open heart surgery, or who really built the White House...Teach me about the moors, teach me about what really happened. Not from a '12 years a slave' biased perspective. I can't deal with these stories of helplessness, yes Africans were enslaved but they fought themselves free. It wasn't given to them willingly. Research the civil war...Research why Lloyd's bank was first started. Why do you think that the slave owners were given reparations for their loss of "property" and not the people who were enslaved? 
How vagrancy was made illegal so that the homeless African Americans were then sent to prison to break rocks in a chain gang...it was just  Slavery rebranded. 

How the most successful rappers are the same ones don't uplift, but who speak of "black on black" violence. The same "artists" who glorify going to prison, literally glorifying slavery. How the war on drugs is just a war on race and it hasn't worked.  
How there were no 40 acres and a mule, just ghettos created with subways built, so that no business would pass through the neighbourhood. How Tulsa, Oklahoma was the only ever recorded in-country air strike in American history, justified because it was a prospering black town. 
How Caribbean's were brought to Britain to rebuild it after the war, not just because the British were giving handouts. 
Teach me about the 54th Massachusetts African American  regiment that helped win the American civil war. 
Teach me this in school, teach me this in college, teach me this at the bus stop daily, in the papers regularly. Each one teach one, not just once a year, for a month! 
Respect people.

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