Popular Foodstore Owner in Peckam,Bimbola"Bims" Amole Dies in Nigeria

Popular Foodstore Owner in Peckam,Bimbola"Bims" Amole Dies in Nigeria

Bimbola Amole ,who arguably was the most popular proprietor of a Nigerian food store in South East London has died.Her shop was known as BIMS Africa Food Store,and was located in the heart of Peckham.Bimbola Amole died suddenly of a heart attack yesterday morning in Ibadan Nigeria.There are unconfirmed reports that she had gone back home to
get involve in politics.

As usual, there have been some rumblings that Bims was killed by her enemies in the political game,when it is more likely infact that she had died of heart failure brought on by hypertension caused by high blood pressure.Every time a person falls dead without no apparent reason in Africa,it is related to their enemies or witch craft,but in fact hypertension/high blood pressure is the biggest killer out there. It is known as the silent killer,because from nowhere it strikes and you are dead! The lucky ones have a mild stroke as a warning.To any of you reading this,when was the last time you had your blood pressure taken? Pls do have it checked from time to time,it could save your life..it really could,one day you are fine and then just like that,you drop dead or have a terrible stroke!
I am not wishing this on anyone,just a figure of speech and addressing reality.Our diet doesn't help either,too much sugar,carbohydrates and little exercise.

Madam Bimbola"Bims" Amole was very popular in South East London and all through yesterday,people were on the phone talking about her untimely death.
Her shop was known for providing all the needs Nigerians are familiar with back home.You step into Bims store and you thing you are back home,cos all your favourite amenities suddenly are there staring you in the face.Foodstuff-crayfish,Garri,Bread,Biscuits,assorted soaps,palm oil etc were all available at Bims Store in Peckham.

May her soul rest in peace.

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