Some people will still come out to tell you,you got a chip on your shoulders and black people are not treated differently.But when you read some of the testimonies here,you will realize its still a white world. Some of these #crimingwhilewhite are just incredible.
A day after the police officer who killed Eric Garner (a black man) in a choke hold was cleared by a grand jury, white people used Twitter to highlight police racial bias in the US...confessing to crimes they committed that police let them get away with. This is in protest of police brutality on blacks in America. They used the hashtag #crimingwhilewhite and it's been trending since yesterday.
Jason Ross, a writer for The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon first tweeted his own experience and called on others to share their stories. You won't believe some of the things white people get away with. Find some confessions after the cut..