If you thought we sprayed money lavishly at parties in Nigeria,you have to take a look at this video and watch the way this Arab guy was destroying money.He sprayed them like he was pouring confetti.The funny thing about the whole thing is,just a few yards away from the Arab guy
spraying money,were people eating their meal and carrying on like nothing was happening.That was funny,people also stood around talking oblivious to the Arab guy.
He had money laid out in bundles,aides brought the stacks of money to him and he pours it all on the beautiful Arab hostess who carried on talking like it was normal everyday life.So what if there's a guy in front of me showering me with thousands of dollars? lol
I have no idea how much the rich Arab guy showered on the hostess,but it probably ran into 6 figures and more maybe.Take a look at the video your self and watch the Arab guy shower the Arab Hostess with money and pour money all over her literally!