A Tanzania man Charles Mihayo who murdered his two daughters at his home in Melbourne on April 20th 2014 and then dressed them in floral dresses in an act of revenge against his ex-wife has been sentenced to life in prison.
I see some things while blogging that just leaves me sick the whole day,atimes the whole week.Some thing i even choose not to report cos i can't even bring myself to post it,i was very close to leaving
this story out.I mean,how sick and depraved can people be? Your children? Just killed these poor angels like that for nothing?
And this is why i get so pissed off when some people say you shouldn't have the death penalty and it should be done away with totally.I think that is the biggest pile of BS ever! Some people need and deserved to be killed.
Not just killed,but killed slow,and painfully,this Tanzanian fool,Charles Mihayo, is one of them! And anyone who argues otherwise better pray that their kids don't get killed in a barbaric way,cos they would then do worse!
According to prosecutors, after his wife divorced him, an angry Charles killed his own children just to make their mother suffer. He smothered Savannah, 4, and Indianna, 3, after playing with them.
Though he was sentenced to life in prison, Charles is eligible for parole after 31 years. Charles, who has since regretted his action, has refused to go into details as to how and why he killed the little girls, only saying he deserves to be punished.
On the day of the murders, the girls mother dropped them off with him, he then took them shopping for new clothes and shoes. What happened next isn't clear but Charles called the police to his home.
When police arrived at his place, Charles Mihayo, told them "It’s done. I’ve killed them. I’ve killed my kids. You’ll have to ask (my former wife why).”
The police found the children lying dead on in the home dressed in the new clothes and shoes their dad just bought. Before killing his kids, Charles filmed them dancing to 'Let it go' a song from Disney movie, Frozen and even played with them. In the video which officers later saw, the killer told his girls to show their mum the clothes he just bought for them. The excited kids did, then Charles looked menacingly at the camera and said "We’ll show mum something else in ten minutes". Mihayo then played hide and seek with then before smothering them with a pillow.