A policeman has shot dead a black teenager in the same city where the killing of Michael Brown sparked protests.
The 18-year-old was killed at a Mobil petrol station in the suburb of Berkeley in St Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday night.
Sergeant Brian Schellman from St Louis County Police said a police officer was conducting
a routine business check at a gas station at around 11.15pm when he observed two male subjects and approached them.
Sgt Schellman said one of the men pulled out a handgun and pointed it at the officer as he approached.
The officer then fired several shots, striking and fatally wounding the suspect. He said the second suspect fled.

Social media users have posted photos of crowds forming at the scene, where a police cordon has been set up around the forecourt.
Video which is being live-streamed showed a wall of police officers at the service station and there are reports of clashes with members of the public.
The black teenage victim of the new police shooting has been unofficially identified as Antonio Martin.
Martin's mother Toni Martin is at the scene where she told the St Louis Post-Dispatch that her son had been out with his girlfriend.
Vines were posted online showing Ms Martin crying "That's my baby" as she found out that
the victim was her son.
the victim was her son.
A Twitter user called Jesus Christo, who uses the handle @DesJuanTheThug, appears to have been with Mr Martin when he was killed.
He tweeted: "I can't believe my best friend just died in front of me #AntonioMartin."
Berkeley is the neighbouring suburb to Ferguson where an unarmed Michael Brown was killed by white police officer Darren Wilson on 9 August.
His death led to protests across the US and worldwide and a debate about the US police's use of force.