Pictures &Video of Nicki Minaj with flat Ass &chest surfaces

Pictures &Video of Nicki Minaj with flat Ass &chest surfaces

nicki minaj with small boobs before surgery 

Nicki Minaj has been exposed by MTO,well not exactly exposed.We all knew Nicki Minaj's boobs and ass were fake anyway,or didn't you? But they have posted some pictures which further highlights it.A video of Minaj in flat ass and flat chest days also surfaces.One thing i must say though is,Nicki MNinaj's surgeon should be given an award! He is damn good! He did a fantasic job,i think Nicki Minaj's ass and boobs look so real He also did a fantastic job on her nose.Her nose looks perfect now,Minaj had a nose job to correct her bigger and crooked nose.looks like Nicki Minaj was rebuilt from head to toe! Shows how superficial society is really...check out the pre big ass and big boobs pictures and video of Nicki Minaj after cut..

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