How does Empress Wash &Clean her Sugar Island with these Nails?

How does Empress Wash &Clean her Sugar Island with these Nails?

So Empress has been showing off her nails..saying stuff like,only two people can fix her nails in Nigeria.Really?She's been to all 36 states? Isorait...Empress also wrote for those wondering if she cooks and do her chores with those nails.....see more after cut
"#my 3D nails! Always had dis thing for nails! Been over 8 years n still counting!n yes I cook a lot n do my chores too for those who wuld want to ask! I don ans una!"
But my own question is,how does Empress wash and clean her "Sugar Island" with these Nails? 

Empress' nails..but how does she wash her Sugar Island with these nails?

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