Doyin Okupe,President Goodluck Jonathan's special media adviser,has passed on a cryptic message to all General Muhammadu Buhari supporters.When Buhari was a Military ruler and Nigeria's head of State,his regime passed a decree to execute anyone found guilty of drug trafficking.Three men who were guilty of this offence,but had committed the crime BEFORE the
decree was passed,were found guilty and executed.There was outcry then for the 3 drug smugglers not to be executed by a retro active decree,but Buhari and his second in command ,Tunde Idiagbon stuck to their guns and killed those men.I felt this was wrong then and still feel so now.Buhari was wrong and at the very least owes those families an apology.You cannot find someone guilty with a retro active law,especially when it involves death!
But moving on,Doyin Okupe is equally wrong to pass out this kind of message.I think it's a very irresponsible thing to say,especially when holding a very important post such as the President's spokes person.If this was in the western world,there would definitely be calls for Okupe's resignation and he will be gone in less than a week.But this is Nigeria.