Love is a crazy thing,does not matter how tall,rich,beautiful ,big or strong you are.When that four letter Monster hits you,you are in trouble,just as Chris Brown is finding out!
Over the weekend,Brown called his girl friend Karrueche all sorts of
names,saying she was a cheat,attention whore and on and on.He said he was single and F*ck THAT Bit*h!
names,saying she was a cheat,attention whore and on and on.He said he was single and F*ck THAT Bit*h!
He also accused her of going on dates with Drake while he was in jail.Well the word out is Drake denied getting with Karrueche.Drake admitted going on an outing with Karrueche,but only cos he was seeing her friend and they all went out together.
I think Chris Brown must have been getting all this info cos now,he is literally singing another tune.
Brown has apologized to Karraueche and declared his love to her publicly.That's what i like about Chris Brown,he wears his heart on his sleeve.He is not embarrassed to say sorry publicly and declare his love for the girl.Thats why he flares up when he is hurt.
I hope those two work it out,it is just so sad that all this rubbish should be done publicly and on record,when they can end up having kids with those kids reading all this in later years.
Here's Brown's apology today on his instagram page.He even puts a somber pic along with the apology as seen on top..hahahahah..bless him.
Being young and dumb is one of my strong suits and emotional at best. I love hard and react impulsively when I'm hurt at times. I don't think social media is a place to air out or hash out personal problems and a nigga feel hella wack for doing it. So I am apologizing I live in a glass house and the same shit that makes me great also is my curse. Everybody know I love that girl. I don't care how my image my look to the public because I'm still gonna be the best at what I do. I just want baby girl to know I apologize!��