I wish this Charles Nokia or No-care or whatever he calls himself will just shut his "Big Trap" and find something better to do! How dare Charles Novia try to kill or destroy
people's career with his "Mr Knowo All" attitude! If Seyi shay decides to wear a risque outfitthat's her own prerogative.There is even nothing wrong with the outfit,there was not a single part of her body that should not be showing,which was on show!
The very worst Charles Novia could have done was offer constructive criticism,not say things like "Seyi Shay has a lame career"..how dare he come down on all the hard work that poor girl has invested in her career.I'm really pissed off with this Nokia guy.He Does it all the time.He is either telling us how Dorobucci video should have been filmed,or complaining about Tiwa Savage or whoever else he picks on.Charles Novia is just a Wanna be Okirika Simon Cowell,Msteeeew!
What does he gain by going on twitter to destroy people?If you don't have something good to say,shut the hell up! Charles Novia,you are not smart,you are not likable and you are not Simon Cowell!
Putting people down to get his name on top.Go back to what you are doing to get your name on top..Nokia should ask himself,when was the last time his name was in the headlines for something positive or for his own career?I rest my case.
To round up, whoops! There goes a career soon! Oma'Shey' o!