How can Boko Haram raid Borno State over and over with such impunity and open slap to the Nigerian government?What kind of Government sits still while Boko Haram continuously kill people and riad the same area over and over?Are Boko Haram forces up to 5,000? Are they all fully armed,better equiped than Nigerian soldiers who are supposed to
be trained to the highest level?
I just don't understand it,how they can keep going back to the same area without fear.And Nigeria has just taken out a loan for $1b added to the $16b or so previously spent on security.So what kind of security is this if we can't even take care of a few hundred terrorists who keep coming back? It's not as if we don't know where they strike,they keep coming back to teh same place!
According to a CNN breaking news, 185 women and children were kidnapped by Boko Haram men during a raid on Gumsuri village 20km from Chibok in Borno state on Sunday December 14th. Men were shot, homes were burnt and women taken away. This is the largest rounding up of women and children since the abduction of Chibok girls in April 2014.
32 people including the Chief Imam of the village were killed. Leaders of the opposition vigilante were also killed. Word of the attack was slow to emerge due to the destruction of telecoms towers in the community. Nigerian military are yet to react to this latest attack.For me ,the fact that Boko Haram can continuosly raid a part of the country without no fear or remorse shows the government is not in charge or fit to preside over Nigeria.If you cannot take care of the citizens you rule over,you shouldn't be in power!