Since when has Pastors been untouchable in the land,Nigeria?Since for ever actually.And TB Joshua's display of arrogance to the laws of the land clearly shows this.For the second time,despite warnings,TB Joshua has failed to turn up in court,for the coroners inquest showing open contempt.He should be arrested full stop! Not only arrested
but put in cuffs,cos this is what they will do to you and i.It is time they show these people they are no special to anyone else!
And this is the problem you have the President of the country openly harbour's friendship with religious leaders in the land,making them feel they are above the law.TB Joshua is probably in his kingdom saying who is this coroner that wants me a whole TB Joshua to come to court?I can't believe this can happen in a land with laws.But this is Nigeria anything can happen.
The President of the country Goodluck Jonathan rushed to TB Joshua's church to visit the scene of the collapsed buildings and deaths nothing wrong with that, but everything becomes wrong when Nigerian students,over 4o of them are killed in cold blood and the President REFUSED OR DEEMED IT FIT to visit the school or meet their family! That is utterly disgusting and till today the President has still not uttered a word about this.Instead he gets his PR man to make an announcement! Totally incredible.
If Goodluck Jonathan is voted back in office ,it will be the saddest day in Nigeria's history.
Moving on the clown who is TB Joshua's manner has said it is not right for TB Joshua to come to court ,because it is not the right way to honour the dead! Can you believe this people?What is more honourable than coming to court to determine how these people died,give their families closure so this does not happen again? How will these families feel if they hear that TB Joshua considers himself too big to come to court to find out how their relatives died?
The whole thing beggars belief.
The coroner Oyetade Komolafe,has threatened to order his arrest after failing to show up on November 5 and 19.He said
“We don’t want the impression to be created that The Prophet is avoiding the court,Any of the witnesses who is not in court today will be arrested. I think the court has been lenient enough.”
However,Joshua's lawyer,Olalekan Ojo, told reporters after the hearing:
“We have gone to the high court to challenge the jurisdiction of the coroner to issue a witness summons.The coroner has unconsciously exceeded his jurisdiction in that he has started inquiring into matters that are not causative of deaths.The Prophet has respect for the law of the land and will not do anything that will hurt the law,If at the end of the day, it is appropriate for The Prophet to appear he will be in court. We do not intend to abuse the legal process.Besides, The Prophet has a milk of human kindness. He is still grieving over the horrendous loss of lives. Coming to court is not proper. It is not a good way of showing respect for the dead.”They shouldn't be threatening,they should be arresting TB Joshua,they threatened him the first time,this time should be action.This alone shows how high they hold TB Joshua,.I can't believe a man who opens a church suddenly becomes too powerful for the laws of the land in Nigeria!
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