The police in Philadelphia yesterday released CCTV footage showing the terrifying moment a woman was grabbed and dragged into a car as she was walking on the road in Penn Knox on Sunday Nov. 2nd.
The woman, identified as 22 year old nurse Carlesha Freeland-Gaither, was
walking home alone around 9.40pm after attending her godson's birthday party on Sunday night when an unknown man grabbed her from behind. Carlesha screamed and fought the man for a few minutes, even kicking the glass out of two of the car’s windows before the unidentified man managed to overpower her and bungle her into his car. She has not been seen since then.
I noticed while watching the video of this kidnap,that a car pulled out and drove past the scene,surely he must have seen Carlesha Freeland-Gaither was in distress?Maybe the driver thought it was a lover's tiff,that's why it is so important to pay attention when you see things like these and make sure they know each other.
Speaking to CBS News, Philadelphia police spokesman, John Stanford, described the man as black, 5ft10 and aged between 25 and 30. The police say they believe the kidnapper is unknown to the woman who lives with her boyfriend and was just 3 blocks from her home when she was kidnapped.
There was also CCTV footage of the kidnapper using the victim,Carlesha Freeland-Gaither's ATM card 75 miles away from the scene of the crime!.This looks very bad,i hope for the sake of the family, Carlesha Freeland-Gaither is safe somewhere. Below you can see how Carlesha Freeland Gaither was kidnapped in this video