This is a sick and shocking picture! A Syrian soldier who was tied up and beheaded in the streets,had his severed head kicked about like a football by a little baby not more than 10 months old! The father of the baby was all smiles as he held his toddler and urged the baby to kick the severed head of the beheaded Syrian soldier! I can't understand what kind of sick people we have in this world.What hope does that community have ,when you get a toddler kicking a severed head in the streets?
If you look at the picture on the right hand side,you will see little kids barely in their teens, 5 yards away from the headless body of the beheaded Syrian soldier.And they stood so close by as if it was the most natural thing in the world! How can these kids go on to have a normal life after witnessing something like that?Growing up with around you and made to believe it is right?
How long from now do you think these kids themselves will be beheading a Syrian soldier or anybody else and maybe getting another baby to kick the severed head ?
All i can say is i am glad i was not born in those shores or live there for that matter!