Shocking Video of little girl taught to steal attendants bag by her Mother

Shocking Video of little girl taught to steal attendants bag by her Mother

Did you see the video of the little girl who went into a store with his mum and another woman,and then stole the shop attendants bag while her mum and friend distracted the attendant?
Well,this is not a movie.It actually happened.And the video has gone viral.In this video you clearly
see the mother of the little girl,who could not have been more than 10,go into a store,the mother and friend had obviously trained this little girl well.You could tell it was not her first time.She knew exactly what she was doing.The speed at which the little girl took the shop attendants bag,while her mum and friend distracted the attendant was remarkable!
I mean,i can't understand how any parent can think it was actually right to get a little girl of 10 or so to do such a thing.What kind of future is that little girl gonna have when she is becoming an expert thief at 10 or so?I am sure the authorities would have found them by now,and the mum is sure gonna lose her child to social services.That little girl is gonna need plenty of rehabilitation.This is truly a Shocking Video of little girl taught to steal attendants bag by her Mother
Below is the video of the little girl who went to the store with her mum and friend to steal a bag.

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