Popular Jos comedian Mc Long dies 8 days after Car accident

Popular Jos comedian Mc Long dies 8 days after Car accident

Dead comedian Mc Long.

The remains of  MC Longs car after accident.
Very sad news in the Nigerian entertainment industry. Comedian and musician Longji Joseph popularly known as MC Longs has died in Plateau State.Mc Long had been involved
in a Ghastly automobile accident 8 days ago.

Comedian Mc Long,who is based in jos,was driving around 8pm with a friend on November 6th from Barkin Ladi Local Govt Area of Plateau state when he was involved in the accident. Mc Long was rushed to the hospital where doctors detected he'd fractured a few limbs. He eventually fell into a coma and was put on life support. He died last night November 14th. His friend who was the only passenger in the car,survived the accident.
Only five days ago,a message was posted on Mc Long's tweeter page that he was getting stronger and better everyday.
Sounds to me very much like a case of internal bleeding.

I am not sure about how much medical state of the art equipments available in Nigerian hospitals.Too many victims have died from what seems like internal bleeding injuries.Internal bleeding when not detected often results to death in serious car accidents.Same thing happened to hip hop artist Da Grin.Very sad new indeed,i feel for his family.His wife and two kids.

RIP Big man!

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