Obama tells Michael Jordan to worry about his Confused Team!

Obama tells Michael Jordan to worry about his Confused Team!

Not sure how to take this.I don't know if there is any history between these two,Obama and Michael Jordan,so i can't really tell if all this is tongue in cheek or the two powerful men have no time for each other.
In a pre-midterm election interview with Milwaukee radio station WJMR, host Earl Stokes asked Obama about Jordan's jab in a recent interview with Ahmad Rashad. Jordan was asked to name his dream foursome.
“I’ve never played with Obama but I would,” said Jordan. “But no, that’s okay, I’d take
him out. He’s a hack, it would be all day playing with him.”
When questioned by Rashad, who has played golf with Obama, who typically shoots in the 90s, Jordan quipped, “I never said he wasn’t a great politician, I’m just saying he’s a sh***y golfer.”
Obama thinks Jordan got some bad info about the president's golf skills.
“Michael wasn’t very well informed about this, I think he might’ve just been trying to give Ahmad an extra ratings boost on his show,” Obama said.
The President, who has played 200 times in almost six years as president, then suggested he might be more able to give Jordan, a 3 handicap, a run for his money on the links if he could play more often.
“[T]here is no doubt that Michael is a better golfer than I am,” Obama said. “Of course if I was playing twice a day for the last 15 years, then that might not be the case.”
Obama rounded out his response with a final burn on Jordan, whose NBA franchise returned to its original name this season, saying, “He might want to spend more time thinking about the Bobcats — or the Hornets." Ouch,is Obama calling Jordan confused there?
Given the nationwide Republican wave in Tuesday's elections, perhaps Obama has bigger problems than what His Airness thinks of his golf game.
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