What has 59 year old fashion guru, Donatella Versace's done to her face over the years?I look at these pictures and my mouth is still on the floor.Has Donatella destroyed her face with too much plastic surgery? Is plastic surgery always the answer? I feel
atimes,some celebrities just have plastic surgery for the sake of it,when they don't really need it.Donatella Versace was a beautiful lady once upon a time.
To some she is still beautiful,but these changes on her face,gosh..for someone who is so talented in the fashion and looks department,you would think she would know when and where to stop..but hey no one is perfect.Check out these pics of Donatella Versace face and see how she has changed and evolved over the years.Has Donatella Versace looks changed for the better?Well,that's for you to decide.Personally i think Donatella has destroyed her face with plastic surgery!
-pics-Daily Mail