Almost 40 years after the late great Fela Anikulapo Kuti sang "Suffering and Smiling" things
have hardly changed for the common man in Nigeria.
I am not sure where this is in Nigeria,most likely Lagos State,but it's bloody disgraceful! People have accepted their faith and carry on their living and shopping like it is the most natural thing in the world.I mean,can you believe this lady actually set her stall,and carried on selling?And more incredibly,people are buying stuff? Suffering and Smiling.
It's real shame,the next thing you will hear is,the road belongs to the Federal government or it's a state road.It's their responsibility to fix it.Either way,neither the Federal government or the state government will be accepting responsibility!
The question is,how do we change or stop this?How do Nigerian people know who to vote for?Cos in my opinion 94% of Nigerian politicians or leaders are the same.They just wanna take and loot,they don't give a toss about the state of the nation or people.They all have houses abroad,all their children are in foreign schools,they have private diesel depots in their mansions ,so they are always wired up for electricity 24hrs a day,when they are ill or need check up,they fly out of the country! So tell me,how and why should these people give two f*cks about the people?Suffering and Smiling.
You think one leader is gonna make a difference,vote for him,he gets into power and if you are lucky,for 3 months he will seem like he is the answer.Then it's the same old story!
I'm tired,i can't blame those who wanna get out of the country so badly.The truth of the matter is,if you are not connected in Nigeria,come from a rich family,or by a freakish lucky break,come across good fortune,You are well and truly F*cked!
A man in life should be able to excel if he works hard,he goes to school,gets further education,puts in the hours.With all these,in a normal society,he should be able to cater for himself,his family and have the basic amenities in life,nothing terribly fancy,just to be comfortable.This is not so in Nigeria and most African states i'm afraid.Suffering and Smiling.
What makes it worse and doubly annoying in Nigeria is,it should not be so.Nigeria is one of the most blessed nations in the world.If you were to rate a nation by its natural resources and the potential they offer to a fantastic life,i think Nigeria should be in the top 10 in the world! We have everything you could wish for,abundant land,mineral resources,natural resources,man power,resilient people,intelligent people,everything... There is Petroleum,natural gas,tin, iron ore, coal, limestone, niobium, lead, zinc and arable land,cocoa, and more! How many of these does the USA or United Kingdom have?If they did i'm sure they will give money out to the people freely every week! An unemployed man can't even get welfare to see through the week in Nigeria,why wouldn't little girls prostitute theirselves?Why wouldn't little boys steal and become armed robbers?. We have everything, but sadly we have NOTHING! Fela Kuti is probably up there now blowing Suffering and Smiling on his saxophone..or could he be blowing "i dey look i dey laff"?
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