Why is everyone talking Renee Zellweger's new look?Everyone is going crazy about 45 year old Renee's new look as if its a big deal, well,it happens everyday in Hollywood.It shouldn't surprise no one.The only reason why Renee's look is so glaring is because she
hasn't been in the news for a while,so it hits you.If we had seen the Bridget Jones star regularly,no one would have noticed.And Renee Zellweger would have come up with,oh i,m a vegetarian now,or its my new beauty regime,i'm much healthier now all that crap.Cut the lady some slack.She's just keeping up with the Jones,pun intended.
Renee Zellweger made her shocking appearance at the 21st annual Elle Women in Hollywood awards.She sure knows how to make an entrance,cos she was the most talked about and photographed star at the awards,even though she hasn't had a film out since 2010! Wow..so there you have it,you wanna make a world wide impression,have your photo be in all the blogs and newspaper/magazines?Have a drastic makeover or change to your appearance!

Photo credit Daily Mail online