The Prophet TB Joshua debate in the aftermath of his Synagogue Church Of All Nations building collapse,and the clamour in some quarters for him to be held responsible has drawn different opinions.It is a hard time for TB Joshua.Many people who came from all over the world have losttheir lives in the collapse of his church building.Matter were not helped by the leaking of an audio which suggests TB Joshua was trying to get the journalists on his side by offering then 50,000Naira as "fuel money".In the middle of all this,i came across a great article Ena Ofugara...After reading this article ,you can only be on one side,very thought provoking and might also open your eyes to things from a diffainly ne..happy reading.
Are you building a house? In a Nigeria where contractors cut corners and try to cheat you by adding more sand than cement or low-quality rods, may your buildings stand firm in Jesus name. Amen.
Yes it is prayer. Our sense of standard as a people is very poor and the consequence either in drug manufacture, brakes repair in cars etc etc, are dire
My brilliant friend Jojo Abiyere,believes that TB Joshua should be in jail. I have tried to show him that what happened to TB Joshua can happen to any of us who not knowing much about blocks and rods and pillars, not knowing much of foundations and even the soil and sandfilling we do, anything can happen to our buildings and that it is the grace of the almighty that many of our roofs haven't come down. You go and buy pre-made blocks, how are you sure of the quality? IS THERE A STANDARD ORGANIZATION THAT SEES TO IT THAT WE SHOULDN'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT WE PURCHASE?
I have taken my time to read comments and very few people ever bother to acknowledge that people were buried beneath that rubble....fathers, mothers, children. No word of solace is rendered them. That these people are foreigners that came to our country seeking GOD as easily as Muslims go to Mecca and Christians go to Jerusalem. These people believe that God has a special relationship with A NIGERIAN.....despite all the negative press about Nigeria, Kings, Presidents, blacks, whites, they all come to our soil seeking spiritual and physical succor. Some of these people died and what do we occupy ourselves with? A MAN TRYING TO GET GOOD PRESS AND SAVE HIS REPUTATION AS BEST HE CAN.
Now emphasis is on "A MAN" for TB is nothing but A MAN
The problem I see with most Nigerians and their endless criticism is that THEY BELIEVE MEN OFGOD ARE ANGELS. No No!!! Better than angels because even angels looked at naked women and had sex with them. ANGELS FALL. So I guess they equate men of God with GOD.
I have listened to TB Joshua and I have never heard him call himself GOD. I have never heard him say "I TB JOSHUA, A GOD, BY THE POWER OF TUNDE BABATOPE CAST YOU OUT THOU DEMON". All I have heard this man say is "IN THE NAME OF JESUS I....."
Obviously that is an acceptance that he has no power except in the name of his GOD.
Again while prophesying, he says "GOD SHOWED ME, I SAW IT....SO PRAY, PRAY THAT...." He does not say "beg me to change it" meaning again it is not in his hands but merely what he saw
So many people talked bunkum like "IF HE WAS A PROPHET, WHY DID HE NOT SEE THIS COMING?" And I have wondered "NA HIM GO SHOW HIMSELF OR NA GOD GO SHOW AM"?
400 prophets were slaughtered by Jezebel in the Bible. Are they not prophets? Why didn't God show them they are about to be slaughtered and have them escape? Why only Elijah? Yet the Bible calls all of them "prophets" meaning they can tell the future.
We allow our judgementality, our bias, our own belief system that is as flawed as the next man's to lead us to indefensible feeling of superiority. "TB JOSHUA IS NOT A MAN OF GOD" "TB JOSHUA IS A JAZZMAN "TB JOSHUA HEALS BY THE POWER OF THE DEVIL" I try to ask people, "na Devil tell you say TB Joshua dey use him power? When? God give you list of fake and authentic pastors? Where the list?
I do not remember when God ceded the power to separate the wheat from the tares to anyone. In that parable, Jesus made it clear that the farmer (GOD) said "we shall wait for the harvest (Judgement Day) and separate them. Judgement Day too far for we? Are you even ready. YES YOU!
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TB Joshua and President Goodluck Jonathan after the President visited the collapsed building site. |
I do not know who a man of God is. I do not know what the Pope does in private nor do I care. (as long as he is not with a small boy). I do not bother with what an Imam does in his closet (as long as he does not tell Muslims to kill me if I do not accept Islam) I do not care what a Babalawo does, as long as he does not use human sacrifices. All I care about is social engineering, that is YOUR VALUE TO THE SOCIETY
TB JOSHUA IS NIGERIA'S NUMBER ONE TOURIST ATTRACTION. I understand that 6 of ten foreigners to Nigeria are his guests. In America, this man would be considered a NATIONAL ASSET.
About 3 years ago and repeatedly,I have said TBJoshua's road be tarred and lighted by government. HE IS A NATIONAL TREASURE. Go and check how many hotels and businesses have sprang up in his neighbourhood. Landlords in that area have turned all their houses to hotels and boarding and raking in revenue. Business are sprouting all around his church. Nigeria as a country is looked at differently because YOU CANNOT HATE THE COUNTRY YOUR SPIRITUAL ABSOLUTION COMES FROM. If you doubt me, inuslt Saudi Arabia to a Muslim or Israel to a Christian. Christians will never find what Irael does to Palestine as wrong because that is where our saviourJesus comes from. Same way many of these people look at Nigeria through TB Joshua spirituality.
About 3 years ago and repeatedly,I have said TBJoshua's road be tarred and lighted by government. HE IS A NATIONAL TREASURE. Go and check how many hotels and businesses have sprang up in his neighbourhood. Landlords in that area have turned all their houses to hotels and boarding and raking in revenue. Business are sprouting all around his church. Nigeria as a country is looked at differently because YOU CANNOT HATE THE COUNTRY YOUR SPIRITUAL ABSOLUTION COMES FROM. If you doubt me, inuslt Saudi Arabia to a Muslim or Israel to a Christian. Christians will never find what Irael does to Palestine as wrong because that is where our saviourJesus comes from. Same way many of these people look at Nigeria through TB Joshua spirituality.
Now before you say "he is no Jesus or Mohammed", he never told you he was. I am tlaking SOCIAL ENGINEERING.
Further on the value of TB Joshua, how much did Ogudu Ranch cost Cross Rivers State Government? How much did Tinapa cost them? Take that money and look at TB Joshua and know TB JOSHUA IS MORE THAN TINAPA AND OGUDU COMBINED. ANd how much loans did we take to build TB JOSHUA?
Nigerians must earn to VALUE OUR OWN. I have not asked you to believe in TB Joshua, I HAVE ASKED YOU TO VALUE HIM. White men do not come to see Wole Soyinka or Nok Culture/Terra Cotta. Nigeria's economy was crashed by Obasano with FESTAC 77 just to get foreigners here. TB BRINGS THEM FOR FREE AND THEY PAY TO BE HERE. so I say VALUE TB JOSHUA.
Yes value him because unlike the billionaires in society, this man isI responsible for children and youths he did not father. National team footballers like Onazi Ogenyi whose injury perhaps cost the Eagles a win against France is like a son to TB Joshua, many of them street urchins whom TB Joshua has led to football (his passion) paid their school fees, found them work, feeds and clothes them etc We all see the bags of rice, moneys etc given to the aged. We all see the hope he instills in people as they watch his "Emanuel TV" even in America and the UK and Korea etc. SO VALUE TB JOSHUA
And I have not talked about the efficacy of his healing. But as someone who prides myself in the ability to "prophesy" which really may be no better than educated guesses enough to name myself TB Enastradamus in honour of TB Joshua and Nostradamus, I CAN TELL YOU THAT TB JOSHUA'S PROPHESY AND PREDICTIONS ARE THE MOST ACCURATE I HAVE LISTENED TO OR READ BY ANY MAN, oyibo or dundun. Suffice it to say that if TB Joshua tells me Arsenal would win the BPL, I will not bet one naira against them, even if I still believe in my Chelsea and know arsenal lacks defense and I speak for Ghana Football FA who believed in him so much, they called him to name their penalty takers in their 10man penalty win against Brazil in under 20, something they acknowledged on TV.
The president as a man of honour, uncaring of fickle public opinion to which most politicians slave, HE WENT AND VISITED TB JOSHUA AND COMISSERATED WITH HIM AND THE FAMILIES OF THOSE WHO DIED ON THE TRAGEDY.
Yes in all of this, HUMAN BEINGS DIED, property was lost and a man's reputation and brand hit badly.
TB Joshua, like Coca Cola and ALL LEADING BRANDS I understand offered money to the pressmen to be kind in their reportage. He offered 50,000 apiece. I dare to ask those attacking him for the gifts/bribe (semantics really) "did he ask them to lie or just be kind to him?" Are we unaware what damage the pen can do? Jesus says the tongue can murder and yes the pen is a mass murderer. If he offered them money "SO WHAT?" Does the Catholic church not have a budget for favourable publicity? o not they ask for kindness in reporting the Pope and everything Vatican and anal? Why again do we expect TB to be literally "Holier than the Pope"?
TB JOSHUA IS VICTIM HERE. He just lost property worth billions. The damage to his reputation I cannot quantify.
Yes I hated the whole airplane explanation. they were clutching at straws....the straw used instead of blocks in the collapsed building most probably (lol) However this man is on the floor, YES TB IS ON THE FLOOR RIGHT NOW. I HAVE NEVE SEEN HIM SO HUMBLED. So go ahead and kick him all you want. But remember to learn about buildings and to monitor every block's cement to sand ratio as you build your house so one day you do not fall victim to a terrible contractor....or rather mold the blocks with your hand everyday after office.
May God grant the dead repose of the soul and refill holes in life and wallet brought on by this disaster.
The God who made typhoons and hurricanes, volcanoes and tornadoes that razes even places of his worship, look with pity upon all we own and safeguard it for us in Jesus name. Amen.