Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral

Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral

Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Joan Rivers grandson Cooper Endicott,son of Melissa Rivers arrives at Joan Rivers' home in New York.

Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral

The stars came out in full force to bid Joan Rivers farewell at her funeral on Sunday in Temple Emmanu-EI in New York.Remember i posted instructions Joan Rivers left behind for her
funeral?She wanted the Hollywood send off?All the works? Well thats exactly what she got cos they all came out for her funeral. Everyone from Hollywood, fashion, media and money was at her funeral. Guiliana Rancic, Kathy Griffin, Kelly Osbourne; Sarah Jessica Parker, Whoopi Goldberg; Howard Stern, Mehmet Oz, Alan Cumming, Clive Davis, Carolina Herrera, Michael Kors, Barbara Walters, Diane Sawyer, Kathie Lee, Andy Cohen, Donald Trump, Steve Forbes just to mention a few.See pics below...
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral

Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers FuneralPictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
Pictures of the Stars arriving at Joan Rivers Funeral
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