Pics from Sir Gabriel Igbinedion 80th birthday thanksgiving Service in Benin.

Pics from Sir Gabriel Igbinedion 80th birthday thanksgiving Service in Benin.

Sir Gabriel Igbinedion,The Esama of Benin, who just turned 80

Sir Gabriel Igbinedion,The Esama of Benin, who just turned 80 had a thanksgiving service held in his honour yesterday Sunday September in Benin. Sir Gabriel Igbinedion has
been marking his 80th birthday with various celebrations that has lasted a week.Happy birthday to him once again. Here are some pictures from Sir Igbinedion's birthday thanksgiving service in Benin.

Sir Gabriel Igbinedion,The Esama of Benin, who just turned 80
Sir Gabriel Igbinedion,The Esama of Benin, who just turned 80 and his wife during his birthday celebrations
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